New engagements;

SEASON 2023/2024

Currently Denis Lakey is performing the Cagelle, Chantal, "The Songbird of Avignon" in the critically acclaimed production by Axel Ranisch of the musical LA CAGE AUX FOLLES at the Bühnen Bern opening 9 March 2024.

He recently took part in AMINA, a project comprising ballet and song devised and directed by Lara Lioi , an event of the Kulturinitiative Bargfeld e.V. opening 28 April in Celle.

Chantal LA CAGE AUX FOLLES Bühnen Bern

Orlofsky, DIE FLEDERMAUS. Photo: Rolf K. Wegst

Orlofsky, DIE FLEDERMAUS. Photo: Rolf K. Wegst

Orlofsky, DIE FLEDERMAUS. Photo: Rolf K. Wegst

Orlofsky. Northern Ireland Opera, Belfast. Photo: Bradley Quinn

Loulou with Daniel Arnaldos as Alp Arslan. Photo: Rolf K. Wegst

EUROPERAS 1&2 Oper Wuppertal. Foto: Jens Grossmann

Ernesto. Photos: Yvonne Schöner